Sam was right!  After hiking up a steep sandy hill we crossed through a low pass into the bottom of the Wave.
The polished sandstone is brightly colored with red and yellow layers.
It is 85° which is pretty warm for March.  The shade feels pretty good after a long hike.  I would hate to try this hike in July!
Kim jokes with Art about how fun it would be to have a Razor scooter or a skateboard.  
The Wave is a place where several small canyons meet in a large bowl.  I'll bet it would be exciting to see during a flash flood; from a safe vantage point!
After we explore all of the local area called the Wave we move up the main canyon to explore.  Since The Wave is several miles from the trail head most visitors don't go any higher, we don't see any sign of hikers going up here so we decide to stop for lunch.
Nothing better than sardines & Ramen


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